Your Story
It starts with you. We want to know your story. Your story is uniquely yours and from that story we will discover together your financial plan. It is critical that we get to know what drives you: interests (hobbies, vacations, sports, etc.); your personal relationships; professional history and pursuits; charitable interests and community involvement; core values; and anything else that is important in knowing who you are. A huge part of your story is your finances, financial goals, and understanding what challenges you may have faced along the way. We value the opportunity to hear and be a part of your story.

Your Plan
We make it simple! The plan that we present to you is boiled down to what you ultimately need to know: Am I on track to reach my goals? If not, what do I need to do to get there? We prepare and structure your plan in such a way that you will be able to pick it up a year later and read it like a story, understanding exactly what was being communicated. We have clients that have been with the firm over 35 years, and we can go back to their original plans and see how answering the basic questions gave them the insight needed to accomplish their goals. With approximately one third of our clients in retirement, we understand what is needed to not only get our clients to their retirement goal, but also help them be successful in retirement.

Your Call
We want to help you in the best way that you see fit. Each of our plans includes a recommendation page. You are the decision maker on what you want to accomplish, and we are here to help you implement it. You will never feel pressured by us to act on one thing or another. As Independent Advisors, we are not driven or compensated by sales goals or a managing company’s objectives. We count it a privilege to be a part of your story and will wait on you to direct us on what you want to achieve first.

Your Future
You now have an advocate who has a fiduciary responsibility to care for your retirement assets in-line with your investment objectives and goals. We are here to help, and we encourage you to email or call if you have any questions or an idea you want to share with us. You will receive a personalized monthly summary that is easy to read and understand. The summary shows you exactly where you are year-to-date. The summary includes a note (and on occasion personal comments) to make sure you know exactly what we are thinking about market conditions and your personal investments . Your confidence and peace of mind are our objectives as you make strides towards your retirement goals.